There’s a commercial making its rounds on free-to-air television now, depicting a orange Lambo Murcielago zipping around in pseudo urban European settings, with obligatory skewed camera angles and positions. Another car ad you say? Wrong. When the sleek supercar comes to a stop, the scissor door opens and a puny little kid is inside. Why? Because this is actually a food product commercial masquerading as a classy ad. The product in question happens to be Ayam Brand baked beans. Like wth? The ad proceeds to show the boy joining his happy family (commercial pseudo-families are always pseudo-happy) and they have a happy meal together, in front of the television which looks like its running a video game depicting the above car in digital form. The ad ends with a shot of the can of baked bean on a white background, with the words “Hi-Fibre” prominently highlighted on the can. Now, there are several things wrong above:
1. The only possible link one can draw between a million dollar machine and a can of crappy baked beans (albeit with hi-fibre) is that the are the same colour. Orange. Somehow I doubt they are the same exact shade though. Lambo Orange looks way better than crappy baked bean orange.
2. Hi-Fibre? Why on earth is this highlighted when no other reference is made in the commercial? Do baked beans with enriched fibre content somehow enable a 7 year old kid to manoeuvre a 6.4 litre behemoth, let alone reach the pedals? Fail.
3. Frankly speaking the idea of Chicken Brand food (direct translation) being associated with underaged driving does not make for a very appealing commercial. You’d never know how many children have gotten the idea ingrained into their heads that they can go take a spin in daddy’s car after they’ve had their fill of baked beans (with Hi-Fibre). The ad agency which produced that ad should feel thoroughly ashamed for their shoddy creative work.
Note that I have nothing against baked beans per se, just that unrealistic and ill-conceived ideas irk me.
On a side note, my hip hurts and flopping onto my bed is now a painful affair. One of life’s joys is now beyond me. argh